Californians are feeling the pinch–Californians are feeling the pinch–from higher utility rates and groceries to fueling up their vehicles. I'm proud to co-author bills like AB 1265, AB 53 & ABX1 2 that would save consumers over $1600 a year and make it less expensive for farms and manufacturers to get products to market.
Families can't afford higher taxes. That’ why I have repeatedly opposed efforts to raise our gas, sales, property and other taxes.
Making health care more affordable is a priority.
That’s why I backed legislation to cap the price of insulin at $35 for a 30 day supply, voted to lower taxes on items needed by pregnant women and backed legislation to require insurance companies to cover diagnostic imaging for women suspected of having breast cancer.
The California Professional Firefighters support my re-election because I have fought hard to prevent wildfires and give them the tools needed to fight them.
I have led state efforts to clear out of overgrowth, ensure power lines are maintained correctly and am fighting to make fire insurance more available and more affordable
I also authored legislation to provide tax relief to fire victims and believe we must hold those who cause the fires accountable for the lost lives and property damage.
Crime is increasing and I’m fighting back. In the Assembly, I led efforts to crack down on sexual predators, co-authored a new law to toughen penalties for human trafficking and have backed efforts to prevent more smash and grab robberies that have made shopping more difficult.
I also helped put ACA 12 on the ballot. If passed, the measure will make it easier for district attorneys to prosecute fentanyl dealers for homicide if the illegal drugs they sell kill an innocent person.
As your Senator I will vote to get rid of the laws which let dangerous felons out of jail early, and which have decreased penalties for drug and property crime.
I back laws that hold the homeless accountable for the crimes they commit, but also support giving local government the resources they need to make sure no family or child or veteran ever has to sleep on the street and to require that the mentally ill or drug-addicted get treatment so they can take care of themselves again.
The state is finally building Sites Reservoir and that will store 1.5 million acre feet once completed in 2030 or 2031. But, we need to do more common sense things to capture the snow melt and rain, store it and put it to good use.
As a former school board president and mother of three kids in the public school system, I have a passion for improving classroom results.
The truth is, our education system as a whole is failing too many children. The first step is making sure kids in rural areas have the same access to the internet, and that rural classrooms are funded the same as urban ones.
I support making sure teachers and classrooms have every dollar they need to get the job done but also support holding these teachers and schools accountable for making sure that when a student graduates, they have the tools and knowledge they need to go to college or get a good-paying job.
I strongly support school choice and giving parents more of a voice in our local schools.